If you find yourself here on our Turning Point Brittanys website this didn’t likely happen by accident. You are interested in the Brittany, the bright fun-loving upbeat breed that so many of us love. The Brittany is smaller than a setter, stands between 17 ½ to 20 ½ inches at the shoulder and is leggier than a spaniel. They typically range from 30-40 pounds. Their life expectancy is between 12-14 years- too short for those of us who have Brittanys in our lives. Brittanys are a member of the AKC Sporting Group.
We at Turning Point Brittanys breed our dogs only when the time is right. We do not do this to make money, we do just fine in our careers. We are simply dedicated to the betterment of the breed. In a nutshell that says it all. We ideally want our puppies to go to homes that will plan to both show their Turning Point Brittany and compete in the field.
Why? Because the proper conformation of the dog enables them to do what they are bred for, hunting for birds. And Brittanys are happiest when they are using their noses to find that most intoxicating of smells, the scent of upland game birds. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t happy doing agility or dock diving or playing with the family. Quite the contrary, they love doing those things, too. But it is our contention that they are happiest using all their faculties to find birds.
Brittanys are durable hunters, and need to be for the brush they must run through in their quest to follow their noses to the next bird that is surely out there… somewhere. Ever the optimist that this is the case, Brittanys are prized for their stamina, independence and focus, making them a top contender for America’s most popular field dogs. Since the beginning of their recognition as a breed by the AKC, among hundreds of thousands of registered Brittanys, only a few hundred have earned the elusive Dual Champion title . Dual Champions have shown they are both recognized for their conformation in the show ring and capable of finding birds in the field.
The Brittany is just that… not a “Brittany Spaniel”. The AKC dropped the “Spaniel” from the name all the way back in 1982!