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DC TurningPts Landslide DJ- Mack Magazine Cover

Every good picture starts with a great photographer. Our DC TurningPts Landslide DJ (Mack) was photographed by Harlene Johnson during a championship and this image caught the attention of The American Brittany magazine staff. So much so, in fact, that Mack was a cover dog in the October 2018 edition of this magazine. We love the intensity of this photo. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Great job Harlene, and thank you.

In addition, after Mack was named the 2017 W.E. Stephenson Sr. Memorial National Dual Dog award winner Turning Point Brittanys took out the centerfold position in the American Brittany magazine to thank all who had a role in getting Mack to this level. We are so appreciative of all the people who have helped train, handle and scout our dogs. Nothing we have accomplished with our dogs would have been possible without the great help of so many skilled people in the Brittany world.

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